Create Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 + AngularJs – Part 2

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Welcome to the second part of the tutorial on how to create simple Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 and AngularJS. In the first part of the tutorial, we focused on creating the API. In this tutorial, we will configure the AngularJS to interact with our API.

Please note that I’m using AngularJS version 1.3.15 in this tutorial. AngularJS is a framework which really helpful if you are developing single-page application which support AJAX out of the box.

You may download the full source code here.
Continue reading “Create Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 + AngularJs – Part 2”

Create Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 + AngularJs

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For this tutorial, I would like to demonstrate on how to create simple Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 and AngularJS. We also use CodeIgniter Rest Server library for restful API creation.

Although Laravel is the most popular PHP framework nowadays, creating web application using CodeIgniter is still relevant (for me). It is actively support and has very good documentation.

You may download the full source code here.

Below is step by step on how to create simple Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 and AngularJS. Click here to view the demo. Continue reading “Create Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 + AngularJs”

5 best authentication libraries for CodeIgniter

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Although CodeIgniter 2.1 was released few days ago (latest version is CodeIgniter 3), it still does not has a native authentication library (or maybe never). Are you searching for an authentication library for CodeIgniter? Here, I would like to suggest several libraries which can make your life easier. Why do you want to create a new library or code the authentication system by yourself if there is a superb one? On top of that, it is free!

Below are 5 best authentication libraries for CodeIgniter (from my observation). You can give them a try! Most of them are compatible with CodeIgniter 2.1 (I guess, hehehe 😀 ). However, please keep in mind that each library maybe offers different features. Hence, the security features can be varies. Continue reading “5 best authentication libraries for CodeIgniter”

Create a simple blog using CodeIgniter 2 – Part 3

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For this CodeIgniter tutorial, I will demonstrate how to add category to our post in the blog and how to use Ion_Auth as our authentication library. This is a continuation from the past tutorials which are Part 1 and Part 2. However, I do recommend to you to download and look at the full source code of this tutorial because my explanation here maybe too short/simple. You may view the demo for final product here: CodeIgniter Blog

I would like to remind you guys to use the latest CodeIgniter version for better functionalities and security. You can look at the CodeIgniter user guide on how to update your CodeIgniter framework. You also can download the latest stable Ion_Auth library at github.

The steps for Part 3 as follows: Continue reading “Create a simple blog using CodeIgniter 2 – Part 3”

Create a simple blog using CodeIgniter 2 – Part 2

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In this CodeIgniter tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a blog post with comment function with CodeIgniter 2. You can download the code or just preview the final product first. In this version of code, I’ve created a simple template for our blog.

You can preview the part 1 of this tutorial at Create a simple blog using CodeIgniter 2 – Part 1.

1. Create a table for comment

`comment_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`entry_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`comment_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`comment_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`comment_body` text NOT NULL,
`comment_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
PRIMARY KEY (`comment_id`)

Continue reading “Create a simple blog using CodeIgniter 2 – Part 2”