Create Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 + AngularJs – Part 2

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Welcome to the second part of the tutorial on how to create simple Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 and AngularJS. In the first part of the tutorial, we focused on creating the API. In this tutorial, we will configure the AngularJS to interact with our API.

Please note that I’m using AngularJS version 1.3.15 in this tutorial. AngularJS is a framework which really helpful if you are developing single-page application which support AJAX out of the box.

You may download the full source code here.
Continue reading “Create Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 + AngularJs – Part 2”

Create Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 + AngularJs

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For this tutorial, I would like to demonstrate on how to create simple Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 and AngularJS. We also use CodeIgniter Rest Server library for restful API creation.

Although Laravel is the most popular PHP framework nowadays, creating web application using CodeIgniter is still relevant (for me). It is actively support and has very good documentation.

You may download the full source code here.

Below is step by step on how to create simple Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 and AngularJS. Click here to view the demo. Continue reading “Create Todo App with CodeIgniter 3 + AngularJs”